Kniha vyšla před pár měsíci, zde jsou "pochvaly" z její obálky:
"Novotný's book is a great work of scholarship and philosophical
analysis. It is an ambitious study of the seventeenth-century history of
one of the most disputed and controversial concepts in philosophy: the
notion of 'being of reason' (ens rationis), which is generally
contrasted with the notion of 'real being' (ens reale). It breaks new
ground in the study of an important period in the history of philosophy
and is a must-read for anyone interested in scholastic philosophy in
particular or metaphysics in general." Jorge Gracia, University of Buffalo, SUNY
"This books is a splendid combination of systemic acuity and historical scholarship and provides a much-needed correction to some of the historical injustices of our time. It will be a welcome corrective to current neglect of Baroque philosophy" Nicholas Rescher, University of Pittsburg
Zatím vyšla jen jedna recenze a to ve španělském Anuário Filosofico (není online) a další by měla vyjít v International Philosophical Quarterly.
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