S jistým časovým odstupem bych se rád znovu podíval na to, co je v tomto článku obstává a co ne, a pokusil se o rozvinutí či doplnění toho, co je v něm nosného. Pokud vím, na světě existuje jen jediné centrum explicitně zaměřené na "barokní studia" a jsem proto rád, že budu moci prodiskutovat svůj článek s historiky tohoto centra (přičemž doufám, že přijdou i nějací filosofové). Prozatímní popis a osnova semináře/přednášky:
The aim of this seminar/presentation is to defend the view that "Baroque" is an appropriate and perhaps even indispensable category for the historians of philosophy. The presentation is based on an article "In defense of Baroque scholasticism" from 2009, integrated as a chapter into Ens rationis book from 2013 but never presented to an audience. To non-philosopher historians this presentation or rather its main thesis may seem entirely trivial. Of course, we do need the category of "Baroque" to describe and understand a certain philosophical and theological culture expressed in countless printed texts and manuscripts preserved in libraries across Europe and America and now accessible for the most part online! As I shall show, however, what may seem trivial to general historians and historians of art and culture is entirely unknown to most but very few historians of philosophy. This stunning fact should itself be a topic for investigation: Why is general and art history of the seventeenth and eighteenth century isolated from the history of philosophy of this period? How did the "standard story" of the history of Western philosophy get constituted and when? What could be done to improve the inadequate state of knowledge of the seventeenth and eighteenth century thought? What implications does the revision of the "standard history" of philosophy have for self-understanding of contemporary philosophy? These and other similar questions will be set aside in this presentation and hopefully pursued at some other occasion. My job here will be more elementary and fundamental and will proceed in four steps:
(I) First I argue that there is a relatively little known philosophical culture, namely the seventeenth-century scholasticism that should best be labeled “Baroque scholasticism”.
(II) Second, I present a brief account of its emergence.
(III) Third, I argue that this period should be viewed as a sui generis chapter in the history of ideas.
(IV) Fourth, I give some reasons for mobilizing the historians of philosophy in its investigation.
Bibliografie (zcela subjektivní a momentální - co mám zrovna v hlavě, či lépe řečeno na stole)
- KALISTA, Zdeněk, Tvář baroka, České Budějovice: Garamond, 2005
- MACINTYRE, Alasdair, God, Philosophy, Universities: A Selective History of the Catholic Philosophical Tradition, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2009.
- PEREIRA, José, The Mystical Theology of The Catholic Reformation, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2006.
- SOUSEDIK, Stanislav, Filosofie v českých zemích mezi středověkem a osvícenstvím, Praha: Vyšehrad, 1997.
- VILLARRI, Rosario, ed. Barokní člověk a jeho svět, Praha: Vyšehrad 2004 (it. orig. 1991).
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