pondělí 2. června 2014

Bibliografie k (filosofické) angelologii

Níže uvádím užitečné knihy a články k angelologii, které jsem zatím vypátral, s důrazem na filosofickou angelologii a především na otázku lokalizace andělů. Některé položky jsou popularizující (Adler a především Kreeft), některé spíše kuriozitami (Kainz, Sheldrake), některé se týkají angelologie obecně (Jones, Keck). Základními díly jsou Hoffman, Irribaren, Suárez-Nani.

Adler, M. J. (1982/1993). Angels and Us.
Bazán, B. C. (2010). “On Angels and Human Beings: Did Thomas Aquinas Succeed in Demonstrating the Existence of Angels?”, Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge, 77: 47-85. 
Collins, J. (1947). The Thomistic Philosophy of the Angels, Washington, DC.
Cross, R. (2012) “Angelic Time and Motion: Bonaventure to Duns Scotus”, in Hoffman 2012, pp. 117-148.
Cross, R. (2008) “The Condemnations of 1277 and Henry of Ghent on Angelic Location”, in Iribarren and Lenz 2008, pp. 73-88.
Gilson, E. (1924/1965). The Philosophy of Saint Bonaventure, Patterson, NJ. [Originally published as La philosophie de saint Bonaventure]
Gilson, E. (1919/2002). Thomism: the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, Toronto. [This is a translation of the final, sixth edition of Le Thomisme: Introduction a la philosophie de saint Thomas d'Aquin] .
Hoffmann, T. (2012) A Companion to Angels in Medieval Philosophy, Leiden.
Iribarren, I. and Lenz M., eds. (2008) Angels in Medieval Philosophical Inquiry: Their Function and Significance, Aldershot and Burlington, VT.
Jones, A. D. (2010) Angels: A History, Oxford.
Kainz, H. P. (1998) “Artificial Intelligence and Angelology”, delivered at the 20th World Congress of Philosophy, accessed at http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Meta/MetaKain.htm [May 3, 2014]
Keck, D. (1998). Angels and Angelogy in the Middle Ages, Oxford.
Kreeft, P. (1995). Angels (and Demons): What Do We Really Know About Them? San Francisco.
Marenbon, J. (2008) “Abelard on Angels”, in Iribarren and Lenz 2008, pp. 63-71.
Porro, P. (forthcoming) Il luogo sotto processo. La condanna del 1277 e il problema della localizzazione delle sostanze separate nel XIII secolo.
Sheldrake, R. and Fox, M. (1996) The Physics of Angels: Exploring the Realm Where Science and Spirit Meet. San Francisco. [Česky vyšlo jako Fyzika andělů].
Suárez-Nani, T. (2002a). Les anges et la philosophie: Subjectivité et fonction cosmologiques des substances séparées à la fin du XIIIe siècle, Paris.
Suárez-Nani, T. (2002b). Connaissance et langage des anges selon Thomas d'Aquin et Gilles de Rome. Paris.
Suárez-Nani, T. (2008) “Angels, Space and Place: The Location of Separate Substances according to John Duns Scotus”, in Iribarren and Lenz 2008, pp. 89-111.
Wels, H. (2008) “Late Medieval Debates on the Location of Angels after the Condemnation of 1277”, in Iribarren and Lenz 2008, pp. 113-127.
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