úterý 2. dubna 2013

Historie křesťanské teologie - Nový zákon

Zde je Caryho shrnutí prvních pěti přednášek. Zajímavá pro mne byla především třetí přednáška v níž Cary zdůrazňuje specificky křesťanské pojetí posledních věcí, totiž nikoli, že duše po smrti odchází někam (jako u Platóna), ale je oděna nesmrtelností. Podobně i Nebeský Jeruzalém sestupuje. Tyto motivy nádherným způsobem zpracovává ve svých knihách C. S. Lewis, zde vidím, že se jedná o opravdu prapůvodní křesťanské motivy. Také čtvrtá přednáška byla pro mne zajímavá v tom, že mi ukázala literární důmyslnost evangelií, v kontrastu ke starším, někdy přímočarým výzvám k víře v Krista u sv. Pavla.

Přednáška 1: Co je to teologie? 
"For purposes of this course, Christian theology will be defined as the tradition of critical reflection on what should be taught as Christian doctrine. The central focus of Christian doctrine as presented here is not salvation, Christian life, or the Kingdom of God (important as these themes are) but the identity of Jesus Christ. From this vantage point, the lectures will aim to bring key disagreements within the theological tradition into focus, so listeners may have a better understanding of the diversity of Christianity today. We will begin not with research into the historical Jesus but with the early church’s faith in Christ."

Přednáška 2: Rané křesťanské hlásání
"Christian theology begins with reflection on the practice of Christian worship, and what is distinctive about Christian worship is that it is directed at Jesus Christ. The earliest recorded Christian hymns, prayers, and sermons envision Jesus as raised from the dead and exalted to the throne of God at the right hand of the Father. From this central vantage point, worshipping Christ on high, the early Christians looked back at the meaning of his earthly life and death, and even to his existing with the Father before his birth. And they looked forward to his coming again in glory to restore all things, raising the dead and establishing the Kingdom of God on earth."

Přednáška 3: Pavlovská eschatologie
"The Apostle Paul, author of the earliest texts in the New Testament, is representative of early Christians’ eschatology, that is, their view of the end times. Eschatology is the fundamental framework of their theology because of the way it is tied to their expectation of the coming of Christ. Christians already live a new life by the power of his Spirit in between his resurrection and the final coming of his kingdom. This new life is possible even though the fullness of their eternal life in him has not yet been revealed but is hidden with him in heaven, whence they await the spiritual bodies that will clothe them in immortality. Paul’s most distinctive doctrine is his insistence that Gentiles may join in this expectation and new life without being converted to Judaism and circumcised—by simply believing in Christ—being justified by faith in him."

Přednáška 4: Synoptická evangelia
"The Gospels are the four books of the New Testament, which narrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Three of them, called the Synoptic Gospels, tell his story in roughly the same order. They have a high point in the middle where Jesus asks his leading disciple, Peter, “Who do you say I am?” Peter answers that he is the Christ, the Messiah, but does not understand why Jesus must be a suffering Messiah. Jesus’s identity as Messiah leads to his death when he comes to Jerusalem, where his judges want him to say who he is (either to renounce being Messiah or not), and he makes them responsible for saying who he is, and this gets him crucified. The Gospels implicitly put us in the place of Peter and of Jesus’s judges, trying to make us say who he is."

Přednáška 5: Janovo evangelium
"The Gospel of John tells the story of Jesus differently from the Synoptic Gospels. It dwells at length on Jesus’s divine identity, presenting a high Christology from the start. It begins with a brief prologue identifying Jesus as the preexistent word of God made flesh, a very important text for the doctrine of the Trinity and Christology. It proceeds through the “book of signs,” in which Jesus performs miracles with a message, punctuated by “I am” statements, in which Jesus describes himself in divine terms. The second half of the Gospel, which can be called the “book of the passion,” includes a long Last Supper discourse in which Jesus describes his relation to God his Father, to the Holy Spirit and to his followers."

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