Lear rozvíjí téma "touhy po vědění/porozumnění" do podivuhodné šíře a hloubky. Zde je pro informaci obsah jeho knihy:
1. The desire to understand
2. Nature
1. Nature as an inner principle of change
2. Understanding and 'the why'
3. Four fashions
4. The hearts of animals
3. Change
1. The Parmenidean challenge
2. The analysis of change
3. The media of change I: the infinite
4. The media of change II: the infinity of time
5. A paradox of change: Zeno's arrow
4. Man's nature
1. Soul
2. Perception
3. Mind
4. Active mind
5. Mind in action
5. Ethics and the organization of desire
1. The point of the Nicomachean Ethics
2. Happiness and man's nature
3. Virtue
4. Incontinence
5. Freedom and virtue
6. The master-slave dialectic
6. Understanding the broad structure of reality
1. Aristotle's logic
2. Aristotle's philosophy of mathematics
3. Metaphysics: the inquiry into being as being
4. The most certain principle of being
5. What is substance?
6. A tourist's guide to Metaphysics VII
7. Mind's place outside of nature
8. Man's place outside of nature
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