V druhém vydání obsahuje série Great Books (kromě úvodu a syntopiconu) 58 svazků - barevně jsou vyznačeny čtyři hlavní kategorie filosofie-společnost-příroda-umění:
- Homer
- Iliad
- Odyssey
- Aischylos, Sofoklés, Euripidés, Aristofanés
- Aischylos (Αἰσχύλος): Prosebnice, Peršané, Sedm proti Thébám, Upoutaný Prométheus, Oresteia (Agamemnon, Choéfory, Eumenidy - 2013 EN)
- Sophocles. Plays
- Euripides. Plays
- Aristophanes. Plays
- Herodotus, Thucydides
- Hérodotos (Ἡρόδοτος): Dějiny (Ἱστορίαι) (2014 EN)
- Thucydides. The History of the Peloponnesian War
- Hérodotos (Ἡρόδοτος): Dějiny (Ἱστορίαι) (2014 EN)
- Plato
- Dialogues
- Seventh Letter
- Aristotle (I)
- Works
- Works
- Aristotle (II)
- Works.
Categories (2012 EN)
Peri hermeneias (2012 EN)
Sophistical refutations (2012 EN)
Nichomachean Ethics (2012 EN)
Physics (2013 EN)
Metaphysics (2013 EN)
Politics (2012 v EN)
- Works.
- Hippocrates, Galen
- Hippocrates. Hippocratic Writings
- Galen. On the Natural Faculties
- Euclid, Archimedes, Nicomachus
- Euclid. Elements
- Archimedes. Works (including The Method)
- Nicomachus. Introduction to Arithmetic
- Lucretius, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Plotinus
- Lucretius The Way Things Are
- Epictetus. Discourses
- Marcus Aurelius. The Meditations
- Plotinus. The Six Enneads
- Virgil
- Eclogues
- Georgics
- Aeneid
- Plutarch
- Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
- Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
- Tacitus
- Annals
- Histories
- Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler
- Ptolemy. Almagest
- Copernicus. On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
- Kepler. Epitome of Copernican Astronomy
- Kepler. The Harmonies of the World
- Augustine
- The Confessions
- The City of God (2013 EN)
- On Christian Doctrine
- Thomas Aquinas (I)
- Summa Theologica
- Summa Theologica
- Thomas Aquinas (II)
- Summa Theologica (continued)
- Summa Theologica (continued)
- Dante, Chaucer
- Dante. Divine Comedy
- Chaucer. Troilus and Criseyde
- Chaucer. Canterbury Tales
- Calvin
- Institutes of the Christian Religion
- Institutes of the Christian Religion
- Machiavelli, Hobbes
- Machiavelli. The Prince
- Hobbes. Leviathan, or, Matter, Form and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil
- Rabelais
- Gargantua and Pantagruel
- Gargantua and Pantagruel
- Erasmus, Montaigne
- Erasmus. Praise of Folly
- Montaigne. Essays
- Shakespeare (I)
- The Plays and Sonnets
- The Plays and Sonnets
- Shakespeare (II)
- The Plays and Sonnets (continued)
- The Plays and Sonnets (continued)
- Gilbert, Galileo, Harvey
- Gilbert. On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies
- Galileo. Concerning the Two New Sciences
- Harvey. On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals
- Harvey. On the Circulation of the Blood
- Harvey. On the Generation of Animals
- Cervantes
- The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha
- The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha
- Bacon, Descartes, Spinoza
- Bacon. Advancement of Learning
- Bacon. Novum Organum
- Bacon. New Atlantis
- Descartes. Rules for the Direction of the Mind
- Descartes. Discourse on the Method
- Descartes. Meditations on First Philosophy
- Descartes. Objections Against the Meditations and Replies
- Descartes. The Geometry
- Spinoza. Ethics
- Milton
- English minor poems
- Paradise Lost
- Samson Agonistes
- Areopagitica
- Pascal
- The Provincial Letters
- Pensees
- Scientific Treatises
- Moliere, Racine
- Moliere. The School for Wives
- Moliere. The Critique of the School for Wives
- Moliere. Tartuffe
- Moliere. Don Juan
- Moliere. The Miser
- Moliere. The Would-Be Gentleman
- Moliere. The Would-Be Invalid
- Racine. Berenice
- Newton, Huygens
- Newton. Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
- Newton. Optics
- Huygens. Treatise on Light
- Locke, Berkeley
- Locke. A Letter Concerning Toleration
- Locke. Concerning Civil Government, Second Essay
- Locke. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
- Berkeley. The Principles of Human Knowledge
- Hume. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
- Swift, Voltaire, Diderot
- Swift. Gulliver's Travels
- Voltaire. Candide
- Diderot. Rameau's Nephew
- Montesquieu, Rousseau
- Montesquieu. The Spirit of Laws
- Rousseau, Jean Jacques. On the Origin of Inequality (2012 v EN)
- Rousseau. On Political Economy
- Rousseau, Jean Jacques. The Social Contract (2012 v EN)
- Smith
- An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
- An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
- Gibbon (I)
- History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
- History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
- Gibbon (II)
- History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (continued)
- History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (continued)
- Kant
- The Critique of Pure Reason
- The Critique of Practical Reason, and Other Ethical Treatises
- The Critique of Judgment
- American State Papers, The Federalist, Mill
- Declaration of Independence
- Articles of Confederation
- The Constitution
- Hamilton, Madison, Jay. The Federalist
- Mill. On Liberty
- Mill. Representative Government
- Mill. Utilitarianism
- Boswell
- Life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.
- Life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.
- Lavoisier, Faraday
- Lavoisier. Elements of Chemistry
- Faraday. Experimental Researches in Electricity
- Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche
- Hegel. The Philosophy of Right
- Hegel. The Philosophy of History
- Kierkegaard. Fear and Trembling
- Nietzsche. Beyond Good and Evil
- Tocqueville
- Democracy in America
- Goethe, Balzac
- Goethe. Faust: Parts One and Two
- Balzac. Cousin Bette
- Austen, Eliot
- Austen. Emma
- Eliot. Middlemarch
- Dickens
- Little Dorrit
- Little Dorrit
- Melville, Twain
- Melville. Moby Dick, or, The Whale
- Twain. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
- Darwin
- The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
- The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex
- Marx, Engels
- Marx (edited by Engels). Capital
- Marx and Engels. Manifesto of the Communist Party
- Tolstoy
- War and Peace
- War and Peace
- Dostoyevsky, Ibsen
- Dostoyevsky. The Brothers Karamazov
- Ibsen. A Doll's House
- Ibsen. The Wild Duck
- Ibsen. Hedda Gabler
- Ibsen. The Master Builder
- James
- The Principles of Psychology
- The Principles of Psychology
- Freud
- The Major Works of Sigmund Freud
- The Major Works of Sigmund Freud
- 20th Century Philosophy and Religion
- James. Pragmatism
- Bergson. An Introduction to Metaphysics
- Dewey. Experience and Education
- Whitehead. Science and the Modern World
- Russell. The Problems of Philosophy
- Heidegger. What is Metaphysics?
- Wittgenstein. Philosophical Investigations
- Barth. The Word of God and the Word of Man
- 20th Century Natural Science
- Poincare. Science and Hypothesis
- Planck. Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers
- Whitehead. An Introduction to Mathematics
- Einstein. Relativity: The Special and the General Theory
- Eddington. The Expanding Universe
- Bohr. Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature (selections)
- Bohr. Discussion with Einstein on Epistemological Problemns in Atomic Physics
- Hardy. A Mathematician's Apology
- Heisenberg. Physics and Philosophy
- Schrodinger. What is Life?
- Dobzhansky. Genetics and the Origin of Species
- Waddington. The Nature of Life
- 20th Century Social Science (I)
- Veblen. The Theory of the Leisure Class
- Tawney. The Acquisitive Society
- Keynes. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
- 20th Century Social Science (II)
- Frazer. The Golden Bough (selections)
- Weber. Essays in Sociology (selections)
- Huizinga. The Waning of the Middle Ages
- Levi-Strauss. Structural Anthropology (selections)
- 20th Century Imaginative Literature (I)
- James. The Beast in the Jungle
- Shaw. Saint Joan
- Conrad. Heart of Darkness
- Chekhov. Uncle Vanya
- Pirandello. Six Characters in Search of an Author
- Proust. Remembrance of Things Past. "Swann in Love"
- Cather. A Lost Lady
- Mann. Death in Venice
- Joyce, James (1882–1941). Portrét umělce v jinošských letech (A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man) (2008 EN)
- 20th Century Imaginative Literature (II)
- Woolf. To the Lighthouse
- Kafka. Metamorphosis
- Lawrence. The Prussian Officer
- Eliot. The Waste Land
- O'Neill. Mourning Becomes Electra
- Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby
- Faulkner. A Rose for Emily
- Brecht. Mother Courage and Her Children
- Hemingway. The Short Happy Life of Macomber
- Orwell. Animal Farm
- Beckett. Waiting for Godot
K barevnému značení: že by se autoři kánonu Velkých knih inspirovali českými turistickými značkami? (U nás jsou ale tyto trasy na dvou úrovních důležitostí: (1) červená označuje hlavní dálkové/hřebenové a modrá ostatní důležitější trasy; (2) green značuje místní a žlutá krátké/spojovací trasy.)
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